Out of the strings of procession I am free
To be able to exist unrestricted To be at peace and not in chains The chains of alien dominance To taste that existence where one is one and free to traverse their world, their perception to abandon the extra to reach that era free from limits of being to fly above those sky blue cliffs To reach that dark unknown There is more to being free then breaking the shackles because to be free isn’t to be alone but to be with the mass who honour and dignify you and embellish the freedom of others To see behind the obvious like the dawn and dusk You come to realise ropes need to be cut to begin to comprehend to begin to understand To be free is To make mistakes To listen to yourself To shape and dreams, the dreams To begin, To choose To be good, To be bad Form of Freedom, most important to be what you indubitably are Gone be the days of veiling Blinding yourself to avoid the reality To be a part of that dreamt revolu...