Out of the strings of procession I am free

To be able to exist unrestricted
To be at peace and not in chains
The chains of alien dominance
To taste that existence where
one is one and free to traverse
their world, their perception

to abandon the extra
to reach that era
free from limits of being
to fly above those sky blue cliffs
To reach that dark unknown

There is more to being free
then breaking the shackles
because to be free isn’t to be alone
but to be with the mass
who honour and dignify you
and embellish the freedom of others

To see behind the obvious
like the dawn and dusk
You come to realise
ropes need to be cut
to begin to comprehend
to begin to understand

To be free is
To make mistakes
To listen to yourself
To shape and dreams, the dreams
To begin, To choose
To be good, To be bad

Form of Freedom, most important
to be what you indubitably are
Gone be the days of veiling
Blinding yourself to avoid the reality
To be a part of that dreamt revolution
Shake the veil and shackles off
it has to befall inside first
Why else be a rebel
if not for you own life
and to live in a way
the way he believes in

Expose yourself to your intense fear
the fear of freedom
face it and you'll see it
Contracting and fuming off
you, the prisoner, are free now
To be a puppet or to be the hand?
To be of service or to dance?
To Float and Fly
Shun the filth that weighs you down
Freedom is for the valiant
Dead can't claim to be free
Aggrieving factor is anxiety
The constant phobia of failure
Dig a grave and bury your fears
So you have nothing
Then you have everything

Too brief is life
To desert any time on being baffled
by ponderings of other people about you
To begin with, the veins of their lives are dry
to nourish them they verbalize about you
Persuasion from other isn't substantial to you
Your opinion of oneself is
One is Liberal regardless of the rules
One finds them resistible, He resists them
When rules are obnoxious
He ruptures them
One is free cause one possesses the knowledge
That he is liable to what he does

The right to freedom comes with
giving others freedom too
To abandon freedom
To please others
is to exist in a state of morosity

To be free, To be of service
To sacrifice for others
in myriad petty ways
To be free , to be attentive
To be aware , to be disciplined
To put efforts, To be concerned
To be a Bird of Freedom

Secret to felicity is freedom
The mystery of freedom is fearlessness

What else do I require to be mine?
To make me conscious
To be more
more powerful than those I fight.

to be a bird of freedom.


  1. God bless the muse in you. May your words revolutionize the world!! Am mesmerized. Am spell bound.


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