Seeds are sown earlier
Seeds are sown earlier
Often ,I regretted, what is it that I am alive ? t
he greatest thing I can do.Immovable things too are having existence. But what is it everybody says ,"being alive is biggest opportunity ".
It took whole a lot of months together,indeed I may say years for me to understood ,What being alive is!
We all live ,breathe eat & sleep.But do we make ,strive ,live as what for we are made in this world
The very essence lies in the first peek ,the environment we are upbringing, no man by womb is observer. The parenting plays an important role in shaping an individual ,as far as came to this conclusion, where I became able to put up ,what all I absorbed.
you may think , how parenting shapes us,it's first 3 years of childhood ,an individual learns to think,his personality is shaped.If the parents provide a holistic environment ,help the individual to think properly by boosting ,motivating and correcting mistakes rather than yelling upon ,an individual . striking fear,inhibiting freedom,physical punishment,groaning ,and caging .
let you observe to type of personality your child belongs and help him to sustain to put the foundation of those tender thoughts , shattered ,and let him free like a flock of sheep ,but do watch from behind.
wherever the child deviates guide ,show,help, -----------------this shows your foster for your child
your care is not the wrappers of food ,bundles of toys, wealthy outfit.
Real concern is letting your child have strong foundation for whole his life.
Appreciate the smallest acts and deeds of your kins, a humble hug,kind word may be whole happiness for this tiny being ,who occasionally gets waved and crushed by fierce criticism,which crushes all his confidence making him whole life crippled as silent.Even when he know he cant coz sumwhwere in the back of mind regret is still standed.
'' be child to your child
give them wings
you will see greatest flight''
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